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Automatic self-cleaning suction scanning filter

air-phin is a self-cleaning suction scanning filter equipped with a motorized adaptive suction pad cleaning system which easily regenerates the filtering element within a few seconds, without interrupting the flow. This filter is ideal to treat water loaded with suspended solids and can be implemented in various industrial applications: process water treatment, HVAC closed circuit systems, fire prevention systems and many more.
It is available in 3 different constructive shapes,Y- L and O in order to adapt to different installation layouts.
The vessel and cleaning system are completely made of stainless steel supplemented with adaptive and resistant suction pads which make the filter very robust and low maintenance.

Design data

Flow rateUp to 400 m3/h
Design pressure [bar]PN 10 (PN16 available)
Max Temperature [°C]80
Salinity [TDS]<10.000 ppm
pH range3 - 9
Design CodePED 68/2014/EU
Machinery Directive 42/2006/CE
LVD Directive 35/2014/EU


Filter HousingStainless steel AISI 304/AISI 316L
Drain/Vent valveCast Iron body with AISI 316L Iens
Pressure GaugesStainless steel AISI 304/AISI 316L
Surface finishMicro shot Peening and Passivation

* Certified for the following European Drinking Water regulations: UBA, DVGW-standard W-270, WRAS och ACS.

AIPH 2” Y 662” BSPP301500412757830219204DN 4050031
AIPH 3” Y 663” BSPP601500464783844219204DN 4050032
AIPH 80 Y 66DN80601500487782844219204DN 4050036
AIPH 100 Y 66DN1001001500547824857219204DN 4050037
AIPH 3” Y 883” BSPP702200464892953219204DN 4070035
AIPH 80 Y 88DN80702200487891953219204DN 4070039
AIPH 100 Y 88DN1001102200547933966219204DN 4070041
AIPH 100 Y 1818DN1001203300580933966273204DN 4070047
AIPH 150 Y 1818DN1502403300660959993273204DN 4070053
AIPH 100 Y 3030DN100120540058011501194273216DN 50100057
AIPH 150 Y 3030DN150260540066011731221273216DN 50100063

*Max flow rates [m3/h] are calculated based on clean water with a filtration degree of 120μm. With the same IN/OUT connection and the same MAX flowrate, the larger filter will require less cleaning than the smaller one.

**Filtering surface [cm2]

***M = Minimum free space required for maintenance.

AIPH 2” L 662” BSPP301500190310836549219204268DN 4050031
AIPH 3” L 663” BSPP601500190310836549219204268DN 4050032
AIPH 80 L 66DN80601500210310836549219204268DN 4050036
AIPH 100 L 66DN1001001500210310836549219204268DN 4050037
AIPH 3” L 883” BSPP702200190310990549219204422DN 4070035
AIPH 80 L 88DN80702200210310990549219204422DN 4070039
AIPH 100 L 88DN1001102200210310990549219204422DN 4070040
AIPH 100 L 1818DN10012033002463501061576273204422DN 4070048
AIPH 150 L 1818DN15024033002463501061576273204422DN 4070052
AIPH 100 L 3030DN10012054002463501367576273216728DN 50100057
AIPH 150 L 3030DN15026054002463501367576273216728DN 50100061
AIPH 200 L 3030DN20040054002663501367576273216728DN 50100067

*Max flow rates [m3/h] are calculated based on clean water with a filtration degree of 120μm. With the same IN/OUT connection and the same MAX flowrate, the larger filter will require less cleaning than the smaller one.

**Filtering surface [cm2]

***M = Minimum free space required for maintenance.

AIPH 80 O 66015004501215210482219204287DN 4050054
AIPH 100 O 610015004501215210482219204287DN 4050055
AIPH 80 O 87022004501215210482219204287DN 4070055
AIPH 100 O 811022004501215210482219204287DN 4070056
AIPH 100 O 1812033006401720246546219204422DN 4070081
AIPH 150 O 1824033006401720246546219204422DN 4070086
AIPH 100 O 3012054006401720246546219216422DN 50100084
AIPH 150 O 3026054006401720246546273216422DN 50100088
AIPH 200 O 3040054006401720266566273216422DN 50100093

*Max flow rates [m3/h] are calculated based on clean water with a filtration degree of 120μm. With the same IN/OUT connection and the same MAX flowrate, the larger filter will require less cleaning than the smaller one.

**Filtering surface [cm2]

***M = Minimum free space required for maintenance.

M-LAY PES Filterkit:

Composed of 4 layers, its wide array of available filtering tissues allows the customer to choose from various filtration degrees starting from 25μm up to 810μm. From the inside outwards: AISI 316 Internal Support, PES tissue, Polyethylene protection mesh, AISI 316 External support.

3LAY INOX Filterkit:

Composed of 3 stainless steel AISI 316 layers, this type of filtering element is very resistant and proves to be an excellent alternative to the M-LAY filterkit when it comes to harsh operating conditions, especially when sharp or cutting suspended solids might be present inside the liquid.

While Heation AB has made every effort at the time of publication to ensure the accuracy of the information provided herein those are all subject to changes or inaccuracies. Images displayed are for illustration purposes only.
Please contact us for product specific information.